Trustee must never betray his Trust


Quran 2 :105

“We have sent down to thee the book in truth, that thou might judge between people by that which Allah has shown thee; so be not an advocate for those who betray their trust”

This is a reference the Allah’s words from Quran that tells us to not support the hypocrites who profess to be Muslim for some worldly gain or to get out of trouble but are not sincere in their hearts.

This verse was revealed after the story of a self proclaimed Muslim called Taima who was doing many evil things. One time, he was suspected of stealing armor in his community at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). During his trial he planted the stolen armor at the home of a Jewish person He professed his faith in Islam to appeal to the community to see him as a innocent of these accusations. The community was with him for a while but when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw that this was an injustice against an innocent then he acquitted the Jewish person. When Taima realized his guilt was obvious and he would be punished then he fled the community and denounced his Islam to become an apostate.



LittleRed RidingHood

Hello, Salaam alaykum, I use this site to inform and inspire. I am a happy Muslimah since january 6th, 2006. I want to help people appreciate Islam purely