Islam : a beautiful Monotheism

LittleRed RidingHood
2 min readSep 9, 2020


Islam is a monotheistic religion.

It is belief in one God, Allah, an entity which is the only thing we worship, as Muslims. But Muslims have lost their way in some communities because they put the worship of created things and people before Allah. They worship money, fun things, hobbies, idols, and even other people. This is a form of shirk, which means creating other Gods equal to Allah.

Monotheism also includes not making God equal to the creation. Our limited human brains can not fully appreciate the Qu’rans’ descriptions of God. To do this risks insult and underestimation of Allah, and making Allah like the creation. The human mind must leave the full understanding to that day when we meet Allah, who nobody can conceive of in this world and nobody can fully describe sufficiently.

Finally, it is important for all monotheists of Allah’s religion to never worship other then Allah and ask other than Allah for help.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“If you ask in prayer ask only from God, if you seek help, seek it from God” — Tirmidhi

To love, fear, and trust other beings besides Allah to a greater extent then you show to Allah is to commit a major sin. Allah is the greatest love a person can have for all eternity. He is also the biggest object to fear because of his power and omnipotence. Also, he is the most deserving of trust then anything else.

Allah’s word doesn’t change. Nor can any human or created thing change Allah’s word after the Prophets revealed it. But Christianity faltered and destroyed the purity of the message of Jesus (peace be upon him). The ministers and priests took liberty of changing the rulings of Allah to please the community and people and in doing so they perverted the word and corrupted the message. Allah forgive them all if the did this unknowingly. Ameen.

Allah gave one holy Qu’ran for all people and taught Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) how to teach it and convey it to others. Its message in pure monotheistic form is immutable and applies to all times.



LittleRed RidingHood

Hello, Salaam alaykum, I use this site to inform and inspire. I am a happy Muslimah since january 6th, 2006. I want to help people appreciate Islam purely